Computational Design for Additive Manufacturing, IDEA League Summer School 2024
The 4th edition of the IDEA League Summer School on Computational Design for Additive Manufacturing took place at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), ETH Zurich.
The summer school was hosted by the Engineerning Design and Computing Laboratory and PBLabs, and coorganized by Serena Graziosi (Politecnico di Milano), Jun Wu (TU Delft), Nicholas Meisel (Penn State), Zjenja Doubrovski (TU Delft), Martin Schütz (ETH Zurich), and Tino Stankovic (ETH Zurich). The summer school aims to explore and apply the potential of computational-based strategies in Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM). Computational and algorithm-based design strategies are essential to creating a mindset capable of designing for AM; they help designers exploit AM’s potential at the design and fabrication levels. Successful implementation of these strategies enables the exploration of the design space, the mastering of interlinked requirements, stimulates the modelling of complex and multidisciplinary phenomena, and supports the advanced control of the fabrication process. The central element of the summer school is the DfAM challenge, i.e., an open-ended design project introduced on the first day of the summer school, which realization involves a combination of lectures, teamwork, and project-based performance assessment. The DfAM challenge of this summer school is to computationally redesign, optimize, and fabricate bicycle parts for AM.
The summer school brought together students from Politecnico di Milano, TU Deft, Chalmers University of Technology, RWTH Aachen, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and ETH Zurich to explore and apply the potential of computational-based strategies in Design for Additive Manufacturing.
Special thanks to our invited speakers, Dennis Kochmann, Ralph Spolenak, Mark Fuge, Jing Ren and Andrei Jipa, and ETH4D for their support. We extend our gratitude to the IDEA League for their generous support making this program possible.
The summer school took place on:
ETH Zurich July 1-5, 2024