Influence of DFX criteria on the design of the product development process
Year: 2006
Editor: S. Vajna
Author: Bauer, S.; Paetzold, K.
Product development today is affected by a more and more pronounced curtailment of development periods in spite of the products' increasing complexity. The complexity there ist primarily arising from the implementation of multi-disciplinary methods of resolution. Just fpr small and medium-sized enterprises it turns out to be a crucial competetive advantage if they are able to convert innovative ideas quickly and effictively into high-quality products. Along with day-to-day business, this is a great challenge for the enterprises so that not only a support of methods for product development is desirable, but particularly also such methods are in demand, which sustainable support the development process while offering also sufficient potential for its optimization at the same time.
Keywords: Development process, DFX, process support