IPD 2006: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Integrated Product Development, Magdeburg, Germany, 18.-20.09.2006
Year: 2006
Editor: S. Vajna
Since 1996 the Chair of Information Technologies in Mechanical Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sándor Vajna), organises the series of bi-annual Workshops on Integrated Product Development (IPD). Today, the IPD Workshops are events endorsed by the Design Society.
Issues discussed at the IPD Workshops are human aspects of IPD, method views on IPD, organisational aspects, technology, industrial & product design.
The papers of the IPD Workshops since 2002 are available for the members of the Design Society for download.
Table of Contents
Business consulting management-transition of the IPD approach
Burchardt, C. -
Influence of DFX criteria on the design of the product development process
Bauer, S.; Paetzold, K. -
Integrated dynamic product development
Vajna, S.; Ottosson, S. -
Modelling design processes to improve robustness
Chalupnik, M- J.; Eckert, C. M.; Clarkson, P. J. -
What happens to integrated product development models with produc/service-system approaches?
Tan, A. R.; McAloone, T. C.; Andreasen, M. M. -
What students learn form IPD projects
van Schenk Brill, D.; Kater, K.