Numerical Simulation to Study the Influence of the Thickness of Canopy at a Bird Strike
DS 30: Proceedings of DESIGN 2002, the 7th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik
Year: 2002
Editor: Marjanovic D.
Author: Leski, A.; Baraniecki, R.; Malachowski, J.
Section: Industrial solutions
Page(s): 667-672
The paper has been intended to present some considerations on how to determine the relationship between thickness of an aircraft canopy and stress tension during a collision with a bird. The finite element method (FEM) is to be applied. Dynamic pressure is supposed to simulate a bird-impact load. Load distribution in the course of such a collision will be assessed using test data taken from the literature of the subject. Calculations were applied to the Su-22 canopy.
Keywords: FEM, canopy, bird strike