Conversations on Interaction: Exploring the Interplay Between Theory, Research and Practice in Design Education
DS 30: Proceedings of DESIGN 2002, the 7th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik
Year: 2002
Editor: Marjanovic D.
Author: Power, N.
Section: Design Education
Page(s): 1021-1028
In this paper I address a number of recurring issues for design educators: the value and applicability of theoretic discourse to design practice; the value and applicability of design research to design practice; the potential for multidisciplinary approaches to design. I consider how these issues might be meaningfully explored in postgraduate design education. The paper is based on the module Conversations on Interaction on the MA in Design for Interaction, University of Westminster, London. The paper begins by providing intellectual context before outlining the curriculum and illustrating some themes with reference to a student project.
Keywords: research, theory, practice, multidisciplinary, education