Knowledge-based geometric modeling in construction
Year: 2012
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Professor John Rasmussen, Assoc. Prof. Kaj A. Jřrgensen, Assoc. Prof. Christian Tollestrup
Author: Bonev, Martin; Hvam, Lars
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: 1: Aalborg University, Denmark; 2: Design Society, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-87-91831-51-6
A wider application of IT-based solutions, such as configuration systems and the implementation of modeling standards, has facilitated the trend to produce mass customized products to support inter alia the specification process of the increasing product variety. However, not all industries have realized the full potential of using product and process modelling tools as well as the implementation of configuration systems to support their business processes. Especially in the building industry, where Engineer-to-Order (ETO) manufacturers provide complex custom tailored products, up to now, often a considerably high amount of their recourses is required for designing and specifying the majority of their product assortment. As design decisions are hereby based on knowledge and experience about behaviour and applicability of construction techniques and materials for a predefined design situation, smart tools need to be developed, to support these activities. In order to achieve a higher degree of design automation, this study proposes a framework for using configuration systems within the CAD environment together with suitable geometric modeling techniques on the example of a Danish manufacturer for precast concrete elements.
Keywords: Knowledge based engineering, geometric modeling, product configuration, construction industry.